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Hi fellow artists, 

I’m Carmen Feliz. 

I have a Bachelor's degree 

in Music Business from Full Sail University. 

My college years came fully loaded 

with unexpected challenges 

and tragic moments. 

But whose doesn’t? 

I write because I stumbled into it 

when I was desperate.

And it felt safe.

Poetry encourages me to express me — 

the deep parts of me — 


Freedom, breathe it in….

FOUNDER Carmen Feliz

I’m Vivian Holt, a native Virginian, and a die-hard wordsmith to the core. I love to write — and play Scrabble. That’s what makes me good at my task as technical writer. Words make for a good puzzle, a good challenge, and company to a good cup of coffee. I have thoughts, too. Helpful thoughts, harnessed and justified by my university, seminary, and law school education. So I also act as business advisor to Melodic Movement and its team.

I love what I do.                                                                                         It fits like a glove.


Vivian Holt 


Meet MM’s promotions manager, Girma Baker, a graduate of Business Management from Virginia Wesleyan. Girma enjoys connecting with people. Give him five minutes of your time and you’ll call him friend. And if you happen to be a soccer enthusiast (especially premier league team Arsenal), well then, you’re family. He’s a go-getter — on and off the field. Decades of playing soccer has taught him to keep his eye on the ball. Should you see him around town you can assume he’s eager to connect with you.


Girma Baker

I am Kourtni Tucker. I go by many names: Ashera, Koko, Noé, Peach. How fitting, considering I take on multiple roles as a human. I am an abstract artist, a poet, a media analyst…and now, a blogger. Most importantly, however, I am a lover. After all, all those things come from a place of passion.


I have many thoughts about life and the human condition. My creations are how I process it all. It is my hope that you’ll join in doing so, for what are thoughts without any to share in them? May we never be forced to reckon with the answer.


Kourtni Tucker

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Social media specialist - Create content for Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter. Post regularly and track insights. 

Email for more info.


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